The first would be Mr. Gorgeous George, our Family Chauffer. He doesn't always like being the Chauffer, but is forced into the role at certain times. There is a certain affliction that haunts the Lady of the House, whereby the State demands her car keys back for a period of time. She has no control over the times when it may happen, so has learned to, more or less, accept the No Car Incarceration gracefully. And either ride a Public Conveyance, or politely request that the Chauffer bring her where she needs to go.
Mr. George fits reasonably well into the role of chauffer, having driven various things for most of his working life. (Alas, his working days are gone, but now his Golden Years have begun.) His Wife has noticed, however, that his having descended from the little known member of the English Royal Household known as Lord Lawrence of Leadfoot (so called because he sent more horses into early retirement because of exhaustion than all of the rest of the Royals combined) is showing itself more and more as Mr. George ages. His driving is again beginning to resemble that of a Teen Age Male.
Princess Roxanne is the next member of our little group. If you asked her, she is undeniably the most important. She is a Senior Sheltie canine, missing one leg. Which the rest of her family continue to be most grateful for, because with her energy, if she had all four legs we wouldn't be able to keep up with her. She is also the Alpha dog of the family, and we suspect the wandering soul of a sixteen year old girl was somehow mixed up in her genes. She is convinced that she is the leader of the house (the true Human Mistress of the House and she have had several discussions about this matter), and will probably to insist that it is "her" way or "no" way until the day she passes to the next world.
In the next minute, she will cuddle up next to either Mom or Dad, and want to cuddle and "lovings" for the rest of the night. If she were a human, she'd be incessantly talking on the phone.......
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Lady Roxie. With a face like this, anyone would put up with Alpha behavior! |
Sir Winston of Bookcase is a tricolor Sheltie. He is also a Senior, and walks slowly. He has a congenital problem with his front paws where they grew oddly, sort of misshapen, so his legs bow out and he has a hard time walking. Concrete is particularly tough. But if one is patient enough with him, and gives him enough encouragement, he will make it across. And that is the secret with Sir Winston - patience.
We understand that he was rescued from living on the street with a homeless person. We don't know anything about his life before that, other than it must have been hard. He isn't a cuddly dog. He was afraid of many things when he came to us, and is just now, after many months, allowing us to hug him and kiss him. He will quietly return that kiss if no one is looking.
The "of Bookcase"? That's his favorite spot to hang out. He looks so regal that we figure as soon as we leave, he grabs a book, lights a cigar and hangs out on the couch.
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Sir Winston. Another favorite spot, on the couch. I think his cigar is stashed behind the pillow. |